Monday, September 21, 2009

Scantily Clad Men Serving at Hooters

I spent most of my Saturday over in Midland and Odessa. My primary reason for being in Midland was to keep a laser hair removal appointment with my laser technician, Alma. She says I've got one more appointment and then I'm done. I like the permanent hair removal. Having the hair removed permanently has decreased my prep time in the tub. All that shaving was a huge hassle! Word of caution to anyone whose interested in this process...don't wait. The laser only affects dark hair, so if you wait too long and it starts to turn grey...well, then you're less of a candidate for laser hair removal.

My secondary reason for the trip into town was to buy poster paint. I'm responsible for creating 4 catchy homecoming slogans for football signs. There was only one place for me to go and that was to Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby for me is like Bed, Bath and Beyond for others. I just love Hobby Lobby. Well, the Hobby Lobby that I frequent is right next to Hooters. Usually Hooters has scantily clad women, but today I got a treat! Outside in front of Hooters were men in speedo swimsuits washing cars!

I was very curious and wondered why there were men washing cars and not women in bikinis. As I got closer, I observed that these brave young men wearing skimpy swim wear were the swim team for UTPB. Apparently, they were putting on a car wash for a fund raising event. I've got to get a better camera, because I sure would of liked to have had a few pictures.


Gar said...

At some point in my past I considered opening a Hooter's type franchise that would cater to women rather than men. I was going to call it Kiwi's.

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

How about Cahonas?