X File case of the "
bellowing and bleeding" cows has been solved. No, it wasn't occult practices or aliens mutilating and doing countless tests, but a toxic spill from a Chesapeake owned well. Is Chesapeake in trouble? Oh, you bet they are, here's a short list of the offenses:
Chesapeake violated state law by allowing a solid waste to be deposited without a permit. Chesapeake attempted to cover the truth by stating the cows death had nothing to with ingesting of the fraccing fluid but actual autopsy reports proved otherwise. Chesapeake failed to notify the state Dept of Public Safety and they can't say it was because the office was closed because the hazardous materials line is open for business 24 - 7. Do you think maybe Chesapeake didn't notify the authorities because they truly believed that the fraccing fluid is non-hazardous?Chesapeake also failed to turn in a written report of the incident within seven days. Why the stall tactics? Remember, if ground water contamination isn't reported, then the Oil & Gas industry can claim there's no proof of ground water contamination.
Oh, they broke/break rules alright. What do you think their actual punishment will be? Nothing. Or a $7.5K fine. That's pretty much just a slap on the wrist. Kill me.
Don't lose heart! Let's keep the momentum flowing!
Okay okay. I'm sorry. I'm being a Debbie Downer as of late, lol. I'm telling you, vigilante justice will be served a la me one day. ^_^ Can't you just imagine me as a ninja agent!? BWAHAHA!
Did you go into ninja mode? I haven't seen you around in some time? Are you involved in some secret covert operations? Shh...don't answer that ;)
If by ninja mode you mean I just fell off the earth to do school work and stuff, then yes, lol. I have been doing lots of ninja work! :P
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