Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Remembering A Hero

Durango posted a really touching story about a WWII veteran by the name of Darrell "Shifty" Powers. Being who I am, I couldn't read it without crying. I read it again to my son and wasn't able to make it through the second time. I have a real fondness for those men and women that served in WWII and I've always clamored to view everything I can on the topic. I was fortunate to take a class with Dr. Ambrose down in New Orleans, he helped create the TV series, Band of Brothers.

I remember viewing Saving Private Ryan the very first time, and I literally gasped for air, as I watched the carnage on the beaches of Normandy. I knew it had been horrifying, but the realization never fully set in until after seeing that movie.

Another of my favorite movies depicting that era is the Memphis Belle. The above youtube video has Harry Conick Jr. singing Danny of my most favorite songs.

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