We took down the old curtains that have been hanging in the room for the past 8 years and put up some green and purple ones. Annie picked out the colors and they really do look quite fetching. We then moved the love seat from my bedroom and covered it in animal pictured sheets. After that, we attached bamboo to the back of the love seat with copper wiring which Annie salvaged from an old radio. After that was accomplished we then made a canopy from a deep brown curtain sheer and attached that as well with copper wiring. The effect was quite nice and Annie now has a canopied love seat. She added some plastic snakes and a large stuffed snake across the top of her window. We're now moving onto phase two which means more things to dispose of and finding a few more accessories to decorate.

Edit the room. Photos I mean. And how did the text turn purple? Always an Internet no no. Sorry to be a wet blanket. I aim to help. The more I learn, the more Annie becomes my favorite kid of the moment.
My camera is not working right...i've tried changing the resolutions...i knew the photos were bad when I posted them. I went with purple because of the curtain colors...sorry about that. Okay...i know...this was bad, but the content good, right?
Durango...Annie says, "I guess that's okay." and then giggles.
Okay, now I remember. Purple text. I was starting to think we had a total communication breakdown!
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