Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Preferential Treatment for being Too Pretty

Toxicity abounds today. I'm worn out by it, I really tried hard to ignore it and use my handy dandy script, but I'm just wearing down too quickly. Maybe it's the heat that's got me all kaddywhompus, I don't know.

Another toxic battle hag at West Texas State School made a comment that the secretary and I get preferential treatment at work because we're "Pretty". Really? Hmm...let me think about that "preferential" treatment.

We're the ones that make sure all the snacks, cakes and ice cream are present at each graduation party, we're the ones that have to clean up after everyone else has gone home, we're the ones that come in on our days off to make sure that everything is in order for when everyone else comes back to work, we're the ones that stay late to pack up all the TAKS stuff, we're the ones that missed part of their lunch today to keep a mob of boys from tearing each other up...geez, I'm thinking I ain't getting no special treatment!

Well, I thanked Ms. Toxic Battle Hag for the lovely compliment and told her that anytime she'd like to give me some preferential treatment for being pretty, that I'd be more than willing to accept. ;)


Durango said...

Try and work on being less pretty and see if that helps any.

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

You got it...

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

I didn't wear makeup today, pulled my hair back in a pony tail, wore some god awful brown baggy pants (I think they're from High School) an ugly old button down dark shirt, and combined it with a pair of oversized tennis shoes. Still didn't help, both TOXIC women were pointing and laughing...